I Love a Girl Who Swears, Backed by Science

I Love a Girl Who Swears, Backed by Science

I love a girl who swears because she expresses herself freely. She tells you what she thinks. Life is not a beauty pageant where you put on a fake smile to please men. (Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts)

I love a girl who swears. It helps her feel less pain. Swearing is cheaper than any short-term pain relief. Did you know that, swearing helps with cold-pressor pain tolerance, pain perception and heart rate too? (Keele’s School of Psychology)

I love a girl who swears. Swearing is the emotional language. She is more likely to be emotionally expressive than people who don’t. (British Psychological Society)

I love a girl who swears. She is easy to bond with. “Swearing is important for creating close relationships, friendship, or intimacy,” said the “swear” researcher. (University of Sydney)

I love a girl who swears. She is honest to herself. The biggest lies in the world are the ones we tell ourselves.

I love a girl who swears. She will be honest to you too. She won’t bullsh*t you. Beating around the bush isn’t her style.

I love a girl who swears, because she is always herself. She isn’t worried about making a certain kind of impression. Life is not a TV show where everything is an act.

I love a girl who swears because she is a rule breaker. She learned more than just an ordinary education.

I love a girl who swears because she feels in control. She is not afraid to tell people NO.

I love a girl who swears because she has confidence. She doesn’t let people tell her who she is. She will tell them who she is and who she is going to be.

I love a girl who swears. She fights for her beliefs and follows her vision. She finds her own way and when people want her to do it their way she kindly lets them know what she thinks of that.

I love a girl who swears because she won’t let people push her around. If Helen Mirren was your mother, she would teach you to say F*CK OFF.

I love a girl who swears. Because we are all human. She is just like you and me.

I love a girl who swears. Wellbehaved women seldom make history.”

For all the girls who swear.

From a girl who doesn’t really swear.


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Vikrant singh
3 years ago

There is a greater heart relationship than blood relations.😞(Love makes Life Live)”issued in public interest”

1 year ago


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